1. Love of Golf

One of the greatest advantages to investing in FitGolf Performance Centers is the ability to work in an environment that you are passionate about. If you love golf, you have the benefit of being surrounded by the game on a daily basis.

  1. Proven System
  2. Market Opportunity

The market that FitGolf Performance Centers focuses on is a wide range of people and audiences across the country that love to golf. The statistics that support this market claim include:

-There are 26 Million golfers nationwide
-There are over 18,000 golf courses in the U.S.
-Golf is a $76 billion industry

  1. Standardization

FitGolf Performance Centers focuses on an appropriate balance of inter-franchise consistency. This means that the methods and appearances of FitGolf franchises stay somewhat uniform, to work more comfortably with one another. Some of the similarities include:

-Color Scheme
-General appearance of fitness centers
-Equipment & Technology
-Service Format
-Proprietary training algorithms that create consistent outcomes

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