A Message from Fran Rosario, Vice-president of Network Development


What are the Advantages of Becoming a Franchise?

1. Complete Startup

complete startupWe offer you all the tools you need to start your FitGolf franchise. From online software management tools to licensing and trademarking permissions, we give you everything you need to jump-start your business. You will be guided through every step of the process so the process is simple and manageable. TOP

2. Training & Support

Training and supportWe provide ongoing training and support from our suburban Philadelphia headquarters’ office. We cover important aspects of the business including operations, marketing, clinical practice, technology, and many more areas pertaining to the FitGolf business system. TOP

3. Cutting Edge of Golf Fitness

Cutting edge of gfFitGolf has the most current and top-of-the-line technology available for clinical use at all of our locations. Based on sound scientific research that began in the 1980’s, our custom designed fitness programs evaluate and train the body in ways unmatched by any other systems. TOP

4. Established System

Established systemCreated over twenty years ago, FitGolf provides its franchisees with instant access to extensive experience and time-tested business methods. Over the years we have closely documented all processes and operations in order to give you the most accurate data to run your FitGolf business. TOP

5. Business Synergy

business synergyJoining FitGolf Performance Centers puts you among a network where all members work together for the good of the whole. The National Headquarters staff coordinates educational seminars and workshops for all franchises. We also share and implement the best practices from our top performing centers. TOP

6. Strong Brand Power

strong brand powerBorn in the PGA Tour Trailer in the 1980’s, FitGolf Performance Centers has ascended to become the largest multi-center Golf Fitness organization in the industry, respected for its highest level outcomes and professional relationships. TOP

7. Available Anywhere

available anywhereFitGolf Performance Centers can be operated our of many types of facilities including: medical offices, store fronts, golf courses and clubs, fitness centers and other locations. TOP

8. Consistent Revenue Stream

Consistent Revenue StreamFitGolf Performance Centers is a cash-based business. Health insurance does not cover our services. For health care providers this is a welcome change from the third party payer system. Golfers are able to participate year-round in our programs, since they are run indoors, thus providing a continuous revenue stream for you. TOP

9. Volume Buying Power

volume buying powerThrough our long-standing professional relationships, FitGolf Performance Centers is able to secure low prices for franchisees on state-of-the-art products and services from national vendors. FitGolf Performance Centers products are purchased directly from our approved suppliers and distributors, and our franchisees are granted this same buying power. TOP

10. Growth

growthOpportunities and areas are available throughout the United States and Canada. International opportunities are also available. TOP

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